Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Return to Sender

Just a short interesting tidbit, featuring the postal service of Denmark.
I sent a letter to Canada (GST tax refund) in a normal business envelope, complete with sufficient postage for Canada, or so I thought.

About 1 week later, I received a letter from the Denmark postal service. The letter was in Danish, so I did not understand it entirely, but from the gist of it I figured out that my letter that I had sent had insufficient postage - and amazingly, on the back of this letter, there was a scanned photograph of my original letter, sitting on top of a letter sizing guide, showing a standard DK business envelope (which is actually larger than a North American one). After some translation help from a colleague, I learned that since this was my first "offense", they put on the extra postage for me and sent the letter anyway. But next time I'll have to pay. Pretty cool system, I think!

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