Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Korea, again

I'm back in Korea for a short trip. So far it has been quite exhausting, probably compounded by the fact that I went from Montreal time zone, to Copenhagen time zone (for 2 days), followed by Seoul time zone. So it is no wonder that I wake up at 5am wondering where I am!
Most of the time has been spent in the car, so here is a typical view entering a tunnel:

The trip has consisted of customer visits and Korean Bar-B-Q, which is quite good (though slightly unforgiving to the stomach, unaccustomed to not-entirely-cooked-meat). They bring raw beef to the table, set a small fire underneath, and the meat cooks in front of you. Then you dip it into a small bowl of coarse salt. And there are always a million small dishes on the side (I'd hate to be a dishwasher in an Asian restaurant!), usually quite spicy.

The strangest thing I saw was today inside the women's washroom at one of the companies. There was one area with the stalls, then another area with comfortable chairs around a table, which was set up to be ready for an impromptu tea and snack session. Not sure why this would take place inside a bathroom. Then, next to the door, there was a gigantic bag of raw onions. Not sure what to make of all that!

Time for bed, hopefully I will sleep through the night this time!
And also hoping that time passes quickly, so that Thursday arrives, when I have a special visitor in Copenhagen :-) ....

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