Sunday, July 15, 2007

Happy Weekend

So far the weekend has been amazing!
Jonathan arrived Thursday morning, I arrived back from Korea Thursday evening, and after a happy reunion at the airport, we made it in time for the Maceo Parker concert in Østerbro (separate post), which was fantastic!!

Note, these photos are courtesy of Jonathan, he is an excellent photographer.

Friday, we walked around Christianshavn, and up the 400 steps of the church for some great views of the city. This photo made both of us laugh out loud...

After a yummy smoothie, we walked to the modern city library and admired the interior architecture, a mix of the modern and the old.

We ate lunch outside Cafe Katz, one of my favourites. Afterward we ran a romantic errand of buying a router, which has now made my desk a high-tech hub of telecommmunications - including Vonage, Skype phone, router, modem and wireless access point. We then listened to some jazz outside in Nyhavn, then headed back to Østerbro for a cafe at Dag H. We then met up with the jewish group visiting Copenhagen for the weekend, and led them to services at shul. Finally, we ended the day at Taormina, the little Italian restaurant around the corner (just for you dad!).

Saturday, we spent a romantic morning configuring above-mentioned router (Jonathan won the geek competition between the 2 of us), then headed up the coast and spent the afternoon at Bellevue beach. It was a little too chilly for a swim, so we passed the time taking some photos (tripod with remote)

Whose iron ring looks better?

We walked through Dyrebakken, the oldest amusement park in the world (apparently), then headed to Charlottenlund for a snack and cafe. We walked to the beach there, and there was a circus set up (yuck). We arrived just at the time when they were letting the elephants do their business on the beach, so were lucky enough to catch some photos. It was really strange seeing elephants mingle with people, on the beach, with the city in the background!

From there, we came back into the city, then had a very romantic dinner outside at Sebastopol, a French cafe (merci a la mere de Jonathan!), and discussed many things, from Israel to our childhood, to personality similarities and differences... it was a lovely night. We were then going to meet up with the jewish group, but there was mixup in club location, so it was not meant to be.

Today, we went running (around the lakes) and enjoyed the delicious pastry from the local bakery. We met up with the jewish group in the afternoon and took the local canal cruise. It was a beautiful day, so a perfect opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Finally tonight we seemed to have passed the test of cooking together (well, Jonathan did most of it, working with a very limited set of tools).

I don't think the weekend could be any better!

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