Sunday, June 3, 2007

Denmark vs Sweden: 3-3? 3-0?

Yesterday afternoon I watched the crowds of people walk up Østerbrogade towards the stadium in preparation for the Denmark vs Sweden soccer match. This is a VERY big deal here... there is quite a rivalry between the two countries (not just relating to soccer) and people will talk at length about the subtle differences between them.
Here are some fans in my neighbourhood:

I just relaxed during the day and then after dinner, decided to take a stroll around and possibly walk by the stadium to see if I could hear any of the game action. It turns out that on one side of the stadium, there is a driveway, and it was open almost all the way to the field (aside from a fence, of course). In the photo, what you can't see (lousy camera from my phone), is that behind the ambulance is the field and the goal is right there.

The noise from the crowd was amazing. It was a sea of blue/yellow and red/white. The atmosphere was electric!

A few people were watching from there so I joined in. When I arrived, the score was 3-1 for Sweden. I befriended the other fans around me, and we all got very excited when we saw Denmark score the next 2 goals! All we could see was the ball flying into the net, but boy was that exciting! I managed to borrow some random person's (not the guy in this photo) hat long enough for a picture:

The time was almost up, and then it was very strange... there was lots of "boo"ing and we couldn't figure out what was going on. Then everyone left the stadium. So, I joined two of the Danish fans for a drink at a cafe (one from the photo) and we got the story from some other people: turns out, in the 89th minute, one of the Danish players punched one of the Swedish players in the stomach. The referee handed out a red card (as he should) and just as he pointed towards the penalty bench, some crazy Danish fan from the crowd came onto the field and lunged towards the referee. Luckily someone fended him off (he was later arrested). But the officials decided to end the game in the 89th minute, and declare that Sweden won the game 3-0! So, if at some point in the future someone looks back in history and sees this game as 3-0, I can know that I witnessed 2 of the true goals scored by the Danes. What a game!

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