Thursday, June 14, 2007

Some observations

Now that another Montrealer/Bostonian is visiting Copenhagen, I have another source of unbiased observations regarding small things in Copenhagen.
From Dave's observations:
- the women are all very pretty
- parents intereact very interestingly with their children. We saw two incidents in Sweden (I know this isn't Copenhagen, but I think the generalization is valid) where young children took some pretty significant tumbles off of a small sandy ledge at the beach, and in one incident the father just looked on and waited for the kid to get up, and in the other, the kid fell face-first, then a second later broke into a big smile. Back home I think parents would rush to the child's aid, and/or the child would start bawling. I suppose one can't generalize with an observation sample size of 2, but in general I have seen that parents are rather laissez-faire with kids, which in turn makes the kids quite independent.
- the taxis are way nicer than in Boston
- at cafes, there is always the question of what you are supposed to do. In some, a waitress comes to take your order. In others, you order at the counter and they come with the drinks and food. And in others, you order at the bar, take the drinks to your table yourself, then wait for the waitress to deliver the food. It can be embarrassing to sit there and not know what to do.
Some other things:
- I have actually seen people spray painting walls in broad daylight in Copenhagen. I guess people don't think this is a very big deal.
- I am betting that Finnish women have smaller feet. It was extremely easy to find my child-size (but adult) shoes here in Tampere today. Now, if only they made it to Stockholm, with the rest of my clothing...

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