Sunday, January 7, 2007


Today is a typical Sunday for me in Copenhagen.
First, though, a photo of my apartment building (I'm to the left of the 3rd window up):

This morning I ran 13km with the Sparta running club. This time I managed to meet an American woman in the pack and we chatted for most of the run, which was a nice way to pass the time. I experimented with a new danish from a different bakery today. I am in search of the perfect danish - this one was different from the flakier varieties; this one is more dough-y. The next couple of photos are really for Dad's benefit...
The danish (H - notice the cup!):

It was very tasty, and still is not finished, but not quite my favourite just yet.
Here is a typical sausage vendor "hut", they have these everywhere around Copenhagen. Unfortunately the sausages are all pork-based so I won't be trying any (though they smell divine!).

Here is one of the main thoroughfares near my apartment, Østerbrogade. Notice how the bicyclists have their own dedicated elevated pavement (more than just a lane painted on the road) next to the sidewalk.

Here is one of the 5 lakes where I typically run on my own. There are typically many walkers and runners (and cute dogs) along the path.

And here is a nice photo taken in the botanical gardens.

I walked through here with PS, on our way to the Danish Workers' Museum. The museum shows how a typical Danish working-class (thanks PS for the correction!) family lived in the 1800s-1900s. Afterward we had some pizza and stopped off at one of the nice cafes nearby. That's it for today!

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