Saturday, January 13, 2007

Aalborg for the 3rd time

This week's work diversion was an overnight trip to Aalborg from Thursday to Friday. There were 3 of us - a Finn, an Irishman and myself. Upon arrival at the airport (Aalborg airport is one of my favourites - only 4 terminals and they only open security for one flight at a time, 20 mins before your plane leaves), we were informed that the GPS unit was not available for our rental car. So, it was an adventure trying to find our hotel, which was about 15km outside of Aalborg, in a suburb of Nibe (a suburb of Aalborg). We came upon the castle that was our hotel, an imposing white building from 1762. There many "gentlemen's" parlours, so I felt a bit out of place among the men. It really felt like we were in the middle of nowhere (the moat surrounding the hotel added to that feeling). The next day we had our customer visit, then spent some time in downtown Aalborg, then headed back to the airport. After I got back to Copenhagen (raining yet again), I went to JN's parents' in time for the dessert part of shabbat dinner, with the family and JN's friends. Finally, it was nice to be back in my own bed last night.

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