Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bicycle success!

I am now the proud owner of a bicycle that fits! Finally!

I paid one-week's-worth membership to the online version of the classified paper Den BlÄ Avis. This time I searched for youth bicycles. I contacted one person who was selling his daughter's bike. She had outgrown it at the age of 12. This morning, I took a couple of buses and found my way to Amager (south of the city, near the airport), to this man's house, and bought the bicycle for 350DKK (about $60US) and it fits (26" wheels, for future reference, is a good size for me)! I rode it all the way home. I have to say that bicycling in Copenhagen is a true pleasure. There is at least a bike lane if not an entire section of dedicated pavement for bicyclists, so you almost never have to worry about cars. Oh, and since the sun was actually shining today (!) and it was 10C, it was a perfect day for riding.

On my way back I stopped off at one of the nice bakeries where you can actually sit and enjoy your edible purchase. After snacking, reading my book, and drinking chocolate milk, I rode home, did some groceries, and am now relaxing before making dinner with MF. This week is the Copenhagen Jewish Film Festival, so tonight we'll go to one of the films (Alles Auf Zucker). More tomorrow...

1 comment:

Carolyn and Lawrence said...

Might be a good idea to see "Ladies and Gentlemen - Mr. Leonard Cohen" at the end of the festival to make you feel at home.