Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mid-week special

I know it isn't customary for me to post during the week, but I figure if I don't finish writing about last weekend, I'll forget by the time this weekend rolls around tomorrow!

Sunday I managed to run 18km with the Sparta club. The conditions were tough - hurricane-force winds throughout the run! I did challenge myself and moved up one group to group 10 (5:45 per km instead of 6:00). The downside was that since we were the slowest of the groups running 18km (the last 2 groups ran 15km), they had run out of granola bars by the time we finished :-(

Anyhow half a danish and a shower later I was off to Chabad for the party to welcome the new baby (she's quite cute!), #6. After that I went to a cafe with some of the friends from Chabad, then to see Everything is Illuminated at the festival. It was OK. I found it kind of slow.

Monday I flew to Bochum, Germany. It was my first time outside of an airport in Germany, but unfortunately I didn't get to see much. I took a taxi with my colleague to the customer, ran a meeting for about 3 hrs, had lunch at the cafeteria there, then took a taxi back to the airport. So I'll have to make another trip sometime to see more of the country.

This week has been busy - Tuesday was another film at the festival (Sarah Silverman - Jesus is Magic - it was pretty awful), Wednesday I played badminton at a badminton hall near my apartment, and tonight I went to see one last film at the festival. This one was Just and Ordinary Jew (EIN GANZ GEWÖHNLICHER JUDE) which was quite good; it was a monologue about one man's opinions on being a Jew in Germany. Afterward I went to a cafe with PS and had probably the largest bowl of soup I have ever seen (which I guess is why they can charge 85DKK, or about $15!). It was broccoli soup and it was quite delicious, though I could not finish such a large bowl!

All right, must get some sleep now. TGIF tomorrow...


Jerad said...

What, no pictures of ginormo-soup?

macaronirebecca said...

Sorry.... didn't have my camera with me! And until I have a phone with a decent camera (hello, iPhone) I'm often stuck photo-less in many situations :-(