Sunday, January 21, 2007


It was a supreme struggle to convince myself that running 20km with Sparta today was a good idea, but I'm definitely glad that I did. When I left my apartment this morning, it was pouring rain. The prospect of running 2 hours in those conditions (combined with yet more lack of sleep) was not inviting. In fact halfway on my walk to the stadium I stopped and nearly turned back. But I have learned taht the surefire way to convince one's self to go through with the run is to tell many people the night before that you have plans to do so. Then you are almost obligated to do it just so people don't think you are a flake! So, I made it to the stadium, we huddled under the stadium roof until the run started, and miraculously after about 10 minutes the rain completely stopped! I was rewarded with a very scenic run, on a different route than the past few times. Today we ran through some residential neighbourhoods (Gentofte, Charlottelund, Hellerup) and even saw the ocean. Running past the bakeries on the busy boulevards, though, is very tough... but keeps one's motivation strong. Here is the ultimate reward for my efforts:

Today's danish and chocolate-chip scone are from Reinh Van Hauen, it is a chain around Denmark. Notice that this danish is of the flat variety, less dough-y, more croissant-y. Very tasty. No, I did not finish both in one sitting...

To backtrack to yesterday -
I went to the Danish Broadcasting Concert Hall with PS and enjoyed probably the best performance of Rachmaninoff's 3rd piano concerto (my 2nd favourite after Rachmaninoff's 2nd piano concerto) that I have ever heard. The pianist was Arcadi Volodos, in his early 30s. He had a bear-like presence but (from where I was sitting, at least) seemed to have not very large hands. Despite his outward appearance he was able play incredibly delicately during the quieter, more melodious passages. It nearly brought on the tears. He got a standing ovation, along with the rhythmic clapping, and then he played a short and romantic encore. The Danish National Orchestra was also excellent. They played Glinka Overture (Russlan and Ludmilla - you would know it if you heard it) before the concert and then Tchaikovsky's 4th symphony afterward. It was a purely heavenly 2 hours.

Afterward PS and I went for some Asian food, restaurant name escapes me, but is described as a "street kitchen where your food will arrive promptly". I'd say the latter part might not have been so accurate but the food was excellent. Here is a photo of me sipping a lychee drink (you'll see some lychee fruit in there) - yum!

After that we went to a hotel near the central station where they have a bar in an old library/study type of room - full of books, old paintings, dark wood furnishings. After a short time a jazz trio started playing, which perfected the atmosphere. Finally after that I went to Sydhavn to a going-away party for DAP (MW's roommate), who is making aliyah. The funny thing at that party was that there were about 6 people there named Daniel.
All in all, what a great weekend!

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