Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jan 27-28

Let's see... last week was not too eventful, I explored the swimming hall near my apartment (nice but busy), played badminton, and went out with some Irish and Slovakian co-workers. Friday night was a very nice evening at Chabad - even a small hora broke out as a farewell celebration for DAP.
Saturday morning was near-perfect: it was bright and sunny when I woke up, and I was also suprised to see a nice layer of fresh snow. I went for a short jog and it was so peaceful and beautiful. I then went to synagogue (we even had kiddush outside despite the cold weather) then walked around Charlottenlund for awhile in the afternoon. I cooked Granny's spinach "meichl" in preparation for DL's brunch today. I then went out for dinner with the Slovaks to Cafe Norden (one of my favourites, just for the location and atmosphere) then to Copenhagen Jazzhouse for a jazz show. It was interesting and borderline too modern for my taste but quite enjoyable. It was unfortunate for one of the percussionists as his vibrophone broke during the second song - a large metallic piece just fell off! He managed to fix it during intermission.
Today I ran 18km with Sparta, in the rain. It wasn't all that much fun (too much slush, ice, driving rain and elbowing runners) but also didn't feel too strenuous. Brunch at DL's was really nice - there were 6 women total and great food and conversation. None are Danes, so we had a fun time discussing our various culture-shock experiences here. Afterward, I met up with PS and friends at a cafe and now I'm off to dinner with another co-worker.

Some interesting observations / occurances:
- this weekend was the first time I randomly ran into people I know on the street (in my neighbourhood), on two separate occasions!
- there are funny signs in the locker rooms at the pool that explain how to wash yourself. Here is my rendition of the sign from memory:

- no danishes today because of brunch
- people do not clean up after their dogs here, and I can't figure out why. So watch where you step.

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