Friday, December 1, 2006

Shabbat in Copenhagen

It's amazing how, [almost] no matter where you are in the world, you can find even the smallest Jewish community. Through e-mails, online searching and a well-connected US expat contact, I ended up at the Rabbi's house for services and Shabbat dinner tonight. We had to show up promptly at 5:30pm at the synagogue gates so we could be let in (security is tight here). We went up to the rabbi's apartment on the 4th (i.e. 5th) floor. He and his wife are young, probably around my age, with 2 young children. They hosted about 30 young adults for dinner, which consisted of several salads to start (apparently challah is bake-your-own in Copenhagen as it is not to be found - despite the wealth of bread in this city!), soup, chicken, meatballs, potatoes, vegetarian dish, pareve ice cream and cookies. It was an interesting mix of mostly Danes (including a few who are converting to Judaism!), a backpacker from Chicago, and an expat Israeli. The evening lasted 6 hours, including the usual shmoozing and singing. Finally it was an evening where I felt as close to "at home" as I could, being 6000km away from Canada and USA. I promised to show up at synagogue tomorrow morning, so I'd better get to sleep in order for that to actually happen. Shabbat shalom!

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