Saturday, November 25, 2006

Night on the town

Tonight was my first night out with locals, JN and his friends. We went to Vega club, which is a mega-club with approximately 3 floors but with staircases so confusing there were probably more like 6 different dance floors. JN's sister's friend's band from Israel was playing... check out Terry Poison ... pretty wild. I think the strangest thing that happened was when one guy walked by and stuck his finger in my drink. Very strange!

In other news, I have decided on my apartment in Osterbro, and am very excited to move in (around Dec 15). It's on the 3rd floor, which is really the 4th floor, since buildings here start at floor zero.

OK, it's quite late (or early?) so time for some zzzzzz's.

1 comment:

hanabeni said...

Good luck with your apartment. When we come, instead of the stairs, put a rope outside the window so it will be easier for me. On the other hand, never mind, I'll manage with the stairs, just tell me how many so I can program myself. Oh yes, it's important that there's a bannister or railing. If not, it's still no problem as long I have Granny with her strong arms. In other words, we'll get up there under ANY AND ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.
Granny JoJo and Zady
PS Please look for a discount airline.