Thursday, November 23, 2006

Tiny bathrooms

Hi everyone!

Thanks for reading and posting comments, this is fun :-)

So, I'm back in Copenhagen after a couple of days in Aalborg, visiting our office there. Today I opened a bank account, and went to visit 4 apartments with our relocation agent. Three were close to where my hotel is situated (Ostebro) and one was in Frederiksberg. One common theme: tiny bathrooms. I am told that not long ago (well by European standards that could mean 200 years), most apartments actually did not have bathrooms, so people would go to communal toilets in the courtyard. Once it was decided that apartments should have bathrooms (whoever mandated that must be thanked), they needed to carve out space from existing rooms, so no bathrooms are very large. In fact, some do not really have a dedicated space for a shower - you just have a hand-shower that you use standing in the middle of the bathroom, which of course makes the entire bathroom soaking wet. Luckily the apartment I'm leaning towards has a little 'nook' for a shower. I will however see one more apartment tomorrow in Frederiksberg. I can't resist since it is located on a street called "Nimbusparken" - so for those who knew and remember my Civic fondly you will understand why I would want to at least take a look at that apartment.

Sorry for lack of photos; it has been kind of dark and rainy. Hopefully I will take more this weekend.

I have to thank everyone who wrote, e-mailed, or sent gifts in honour of my birthday... it has really made my day! :-) I think I will now head out in search of my (so far) favourite Danish danishes (which, ironically, are called Wienebrod here [i.e. Viennese, not Danish]).

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