Saturday, September 29, 2007

Big day tomorrow...

I'm sitting in my hotel room (Novotel) in Berlin, trying to finish a 1.5L bottle of water, getting nervous for tomorrow's marathon. I really just want to finish, but it would be great to beat my best time and end up finishing around 4:30. Though today was cold and rainy, they expect some sun and 18C for tomorrow; I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be dry.
Morning breakfast: muesli, banana, yogurt, water.
Outfit: running shorts, short-sleeve t-shirt (purple, if you are trying to find me on TV :-) ), running shoes, runner number F4274.
I am loaded up on pasta. Time to prepare my clothing drop-off bag and get some sleep!

1 comment:

Jerad said...

Good luck! Remember, it's just one foot in front of the other...for 26.2 miles.