Sunday, September 30, 2007

Berlin Marathon: 4:28!!

Hi all,
I am quite proud of me :-) I beat my own personal record and finished the Berlin Marathon in 4 hours and 28 minutes. It was a fantastic race. Aside from some pain in the last 10km, I really felt good overall, and the time went by extremely quickly! There were spectators lining the sides for the entire 42km. There were orchestras, marching bands, jazz bands, rock bands, and millions of people cheering us on. It was a very special moment finishing up running through the Brandenburg Gate, and having the crowds in the stands cheering us on. The weather was perfect - around 17C and mostly cloudy. It also helped to follow the pace-setter for the 4:30 group, which made my split times quite consistent.

Here are some photos. More can be found here. (I'll post something else about the rest of Berlin later...)

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1 comment:

Burton said...

Congrats on a great run!