Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Some more random thoughts on Denmark

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the lack of posts. Evenings are still bright here and I'm trying to maximize my outdoor time in the summer...or, I am likely talking with Jonathan! (which can last an entire evening :-) )

A few random observations:
* It seems that urinating in public is a common practice. I see it at least once a week if not more. Men do it rather conspicuously, in broad daylight. They pee against the wall of the bank, in someone's front yard bushes, near the lakes where everyone is out running or walking. A woman was letting her young boy (maybe around 7 years old) pee into one of the lakes from the side. I suppose with children it can be urgent, but it seems like teaching this at a young age doesn't bode well for the future.

* It is very popular for people to eat pizza right out of the box while they sit by the lakes.

* People drink an inordinate amount of beer, and not just men. Sunday morning, while running by the cafe at the lake, I saw women drinking draught beers at 10am with their brunch. Ew!

* Greeting family at airports is quite a scene. In fact, this picture actually captures a few typical Danish phenomena:
1) Flag-waving [young girl]. Danes love their flag, it even has its own name, the Dannebrog. It is very popular for families greeting loved ones at the airport to wave flags en masse. (Note, it is also popular to put little flags in the food at parties as decoration)
2) Beer drinking [man in overalls]. See above. The airport arrivals terminal is no exception.
3) Sausages [young girl]. They are everywhere (heaven for Dad!)... hot dog stands on the street, at 7-Eleven, etc.

* Danes have very cute dogs! They are often seen as puppies in little children's arms, or accompanying their owner on the train, or riding in a basket on a bicycle.

I'm sure I'll have more to add in the coming months!

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