Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Helsingør garden party

Saturday I went up to Helsingør for a birthday party, which was labeled as a "love party". It took place in the back courtyard of an adorable pink house. The atmosphere was very 'hyggeligt', or cozy, with flowers and candles adorning the food. There were even some musicians, who played some klezmer music, but also played during the 'singalong'. Apparently this is quite common in Denmark. Sheets of paper were handed out to all of the guests with lyrics to 5 songs, which were sung at a specific time after the cake. Very organized! It was a fun party, and the ladies and I ended up back in the city at Hotel 27, where we enjoyed my favourite drink in Copenhagen so far, Honey Smash (well, it is tied with the mojitos at Vega night club).

Some photos...
The spread:

The ladies:

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