Friday, August 3, 2007

Boston-Montreal, again

After my temper calmed down from the green card thing, I managed to thoroughly enjoy the weekend.

In Boston, I got to see JL and MM and we dined at Not Your Average Joe's (I do miss their goat-cheese salad!), and played with JL's iPhone. What an impressive piece of technology, I was won over (though not practical for me at the moment, as it does not work in Asia). I stayed at MD'As Thursday night, and it was great to catch up. Friday I went into the office (after the mandatory stockpiling at Target), worked pretty intensively, enjoyed Bertucci's for lunch. As I was rushing out and rearranging my things in the trunk of the rental car, I shut the trunk door and immediately cursed, realizing I had just locked my keys inside. JL and iPhone to the rescue! He Google-mapped the Avis rental agency at Logan, and I called their emergency service. $60 cash and 15 minutes later, I was back inside the air-conditioned Corolla and on my way!

First - my apologies to any Montrealers whom I did not visit on this trip - as I mentioned it was extremely last-minute and not very long...

I was entertained by my book-on-CD all the way to North Hatley. I had a memorable evening with Jonathan and his family at the house, and thoroughly enjoyed the company and surroundings. The moon over the lake at night, with a light foggy-mist over the water, was so peaceful. Saturday we had a late brunch, and Jonathan and I canoed into town (how often can you really say something like that? Pretty cool!). The way back was pretty windy, and it started to rain, so we all relaxed on the porch during the storm. We had an early dinner (while my feet were kept warm by slippers crocheed for me by Jonathan's grandmother!) and then Jonathan and I drove back into the city, where we had some dessert with Mom and Dad (mmm carrot cake!). Sunday we had brunch with Jonathan's friend, then ran some errands, then went back to Mom and Dad's for a BBQ with the whole family (H and K and the kids, grannies and zady). I'm so happy I could see everyone all together this time! Green card rants aside, the timing of the weekend worked out very well. Monday, Jonathan and I did some grocery shopping and cooked together for Mom and Dad, which was a great success. Tuesday, a sad farewell, and a long and tiring drive back to Boston, then a long flight to Amsterdam, then the start of nausea in Amsterdam, then an interminably long 1-hr flight to Copenhagen, then a train to my apartment, then me crashing in my bed for about 24 hours solid, with fever of 101F and bad nausea... There was that feeling of helplessness again, being sick and alone. Luckily, it only lasted a little over 30 hours and I'm on the mend. Coincidentally, Jonathan had the same bug, but he seems to be feeling better too. No, we didn't give Mom and Dad food poisoning, in case you were wondering!

Back in DK, the weather seems to have dried up. But, it is lonely. I'm already counting days until September...

1 comment:

megamarbles said...

Rebecca and Jonathan prepared the most DIVINE dinner...better than any gourmet restaurant in Montreal. With thanks and love,
