Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Busy, busy

Korea, Boston, and back in DK... it's no wonder I wake up and can't quite remember where I am! About 1.5 weeks ago I flew to Korea and stayed at the Songdo Beach Resort, which is neither beach nor resort. Rather, it's a depressing town with tax breaks for industry, so it was close to the customer we were visiting. Spent most of my free time in the hotel, either working on my presentation for GTC or wondering why there was a mini driving range in the hotel's fitness room. But, the bipembap was delicious!

Somewhere between Washington DC and Boston, my luggage got lost. So, I arrived at my (very much in disarray and not so clean) Somerville apartment, didn't feel inclined to shower and didn't have a change of clothes - not the most warm welcome. The week got better, though, especially after my presentation was done on Thursday. I managed to cram in a few dinners, parties, and friend sightings in a short time, then was thoroughly exhausted by the weekend. They literally had to shake me to wake me up as we were landing in Frankfurt (en route to CPH) !

Back in CPH, the days are nice and long (it gets dark around 21h!) and somewhat warm. Flora is lush, and on the drive back from the airport I saw half-naked people playing beach volleyball, a true sign of summer. Work is very busy, I'm quite behind in my Danish class, and I will be taking off again on Saturday - this time to Taiwan and then Japan. I will have a weekend in Japan so I hope to see some sights (and thus post more photos!).

OK, time for my jet-lagged self to get to bed!

1 comment:

Jerad said...

It was great to see you again!