Monday, May 14, 2007


This is my first time in Taiwan. So far the impression is a vibrant, hectic, eclectic city. The hotel is very luxurious so I can find some serenity here after a long day. Today we were picked up at 8h30 and did not return until 21h00. We visited 3 customers, scattered all over Taipei, with typically 1 hr drive in between.

Here is my road warrior pose - complete with no-time-for-real-lunch McD's in hand...

There are an insane amount of motor scooters here!

Tonight LH and I ate at a restaurant where we could at least point at pictures to identify the food. Afterward we walked along the streets and saw some interesting sights....

Some of this seafood was still moving (including this obscenely large mollusk).

This dog was wearing jeans!

OK time for bed.

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