Saturday, February 17, 2007

Cambridge UK

A couple of weeks ago I went to Cambridge UK, on a combined business-pleasure trip. The town is home to many historic colleges, some of the oldest in the world. After spending so much of my time in the past few years in Cambridge, MA, it was nice to see the origin of the archetypical "college town".
I took a walking tour of the city. The highlight was King's College and its famous cathedral.

Further down the road at Trinity college, I witnessed one of the enforced rules whereby only professors of the college are allowed to walk on the grass, which is off-limits to anyone else.

At this college, in the cloister pictured below, Newton apparently did the first measurement of sound:

Here is just a nice picture of one of the rivers that flows through the picturesque town.

I ate lunch at the most famous pub of the town, The Eagle. This is where the structure of DNA was announced. Also on the ceiling of the pub one can see many signatures of the American air force pilots of WWII who stayed in this town and frequented the pub.

All in all Cambridge is a very cute town worth visiting.

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