Sunday, February 18, 2007

22km, no rain!

This morning I managed to finish the 22km run with Sparta. The route combined the best parts of our usual two routes; the scenic park, the view of the ocean, and the run along a nice shopping street on the way back. I realize that the trick to feeling good on the run is NOT to drink the night before (this may seem obvious to some), not even 1 drink. Also one has to be very careful about what one consumes the evening before, else one encounters some "gastrointestinal unpleasantness". Danish was all the more rewarding today.

Friday night was another pleasant evening with JN's family for shabbat dinner. Saturday morning was synagogue followed by lunch at the community centre with a group of visiting Jewish Europeans who are here for a conference. In the afternoon I did some shopping with DL, then at night went to a club with the same group and heard some live music. It was amusing; it was a Danish cover band of another Danish band. The music reminded me a bit of Blue Rodeo (minus pedal steel guitar twang). It was a fun evening, and a shame I had to leave "early" (1am) to get enough sleep to enable me to finish this run.

Later today I biked to Chabad to practice some piano, then biked to the community centre to listen to a talk on negotiation in the Middle East (or, rather, lack thereof). Interesting talk, and always fascinating to listen to someone with very informed opinions on the subject. Biked home, and am now thoroughly exhausted!

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