Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dec 16 weekend

Once again, I'm having a busy weekend in Copenhagen.
Friday night was Shabbat dinner at JN's parents' home, and they had also invited a group of American/Canadian exchange students from the university as well as some of JN's friends, so there were about 15 people at the table. The food was excellent and plentiful, and we did a fun channuka-gift-swap.
Saturday I ran around the lakes in the morning, checked out of my hotel (after trekking over there in the rain), managed to figure out that in order to buy a hair dryer I need to go to the kitchen store, went to Ikea and then to a "hyggelich" cafe in Lyngby, then to JN's friends' apartment to light the channuka candles, then out with a group of JN's friends for a delicious 3-course meal. Here are some photos:

Afterward a few of us attempted to go to a party but it was the strangest place I had been to so far, kind of a mix between a gymnasium and an art gallery, with alot of very drunk people and extremely smoky, with loud music. Needless to stay we stayed for about 10 minutes then headed home.
Today I joined the Sparta running club and ran with the 6min/km group, total 15 kms. It was a good easy pace, which I needed since I haven't done that kind of distance in awhile. I did not really talk with anyone, only briefly to ask someone to translate what the group leaders were saying. The run took us through some very muddy park trails and (I think) northeast suburb of the city. Afterward all runners could enjoy free hot chocolate and muesli bar! Here are my shoes post-run. Yuck!

After a shower and Danish I'm ready for the rest of the day - Channuka cafe-party at AB's apartment and packing for my trip to Boston and Montreal/Toronto. Soon to come are photos of my new apartment...
Chag sameach!

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