Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nov 2-4 weekend

One of the nice things on Friday night was that I met a very nice French/Belgian couple (courtesy of DL, who met them on the street!) at synagogue. It's amazing how just being Jewish means you are welcome among other Jews, and can easily meet new friends!

Saturday I jogged in the morning, walked around the neighbourhood in the afternoon (errands), and curled up and relaxed with some tea and my book, which I was very happy to finish. Don't bother with The Emperor's Children (even though the author is from Somerville!), I found it rather pretentious and not particularly entertaining. In any case, in the evening I went to Dag H with DL and friends (we were 7) then came back and enjoyed my daily pre-bedtime phone conversation with Jonathan :-)

Today the weather was just magnificent. I awoke to a perfectly clear blue sky. I ran with Sparta (13km) and the temperature, sunshine, and golden leaves made for a perfect run (ok, it would have been slightly more perfect if we weren't so crowded, trying not to step on each others' shoes... but that's a minor price to pay for enjoying a group run). I then biked to the city and had brunch at Cafe Katz (yummmm) with DL and our new friends from Friday night. Afterwards we came back to Østerbro and walked around the lake and the neighbourhood. Here are a couple of pictures from our outing...(the full set is here)

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