Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Toilets of Taiwan...

...run the gamut from the simple to the rather complicated.
Here are two of the extremes that I have encountered thus far.

Upon arrival at my hotel, I was reminded of the multi-functional toilets that are popular at Asian hotels. In my opinion, toilets with a "Power" button are just weird.

Notice the icon for the "family" function:

In contrasts, here is what I was faced with moments before my customer visit (in nice business-skirt outfit). At least there was water in the tank and toilet paper on hand...

In most public washrooms, you have a choice of stalls with either icons or text saying "squat" or "seat". I wonder why anyone would willingly choose squat? I suppose, hygienically speaking, you don't really end up touching much when you squat...

Well, all I can say, is that all of what I have encountered are better than a hole in the ground, so I should consider myself lucky!

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