Sunday, February 4, 2007

A no-rain weekend!

Amazing! So far, both Saturday and Sunday have been rain-free! The temperature has been around +7C so I have to say I am quite enjoying this mild winter.

Friday was a fun night at Chabad. Since it was Tu Bishvat, the dining room was set up with some trees and plenty of fruit on each table. It was packed with people, maybe 100 or so. The "young" group of us sat in the corner, and squished onto the sofa around one of the tables. We had a very amusing night, interesting conversation, some tequila or vodka or scotch mixed in, and stayed until 23:30 or so. Saturday I went to synagogue and could now have 2 women with whom I could chat during services (quietly, of course!). The kiddush was outside as usual and the weather bright and sunny. I walked home, and on the way, picked up a half-bread (pumpkin seed) at Emmery's bakery (you can do that here - ask for half of a bread and they cut the loaf for you) and some green pea soup around the corner from my apartment. I have to say it was one of the most delicious lunches. That, combined with a nap, made for a perfect afternoon.

Afterward, I rode my bicycle to the harbour and took some photos:
First - what is a blog about Copenhagen without a photo of the Little Mermaid?

As some may know, she is much smaller in real life than you might imagine.

Here is a photo of the new opera house; it was built with funding from Maersk:

Maersk is one of the biggest companies in Denmark and their main office is right on the water. People call the building the Blue Eye building (I think) because the water reflects in the windows and makes it look like the building has many blue eyes:

Here is a view of a ship across the water:

And here is proof of the sunshine! This sunset was behind a church, along a path for pedestrians and cyclists. This is only a 10 min bike ride from my apartment (well, probably 5 min if you are a better cyclist than I am, which isn't difficult to accomplish):

Later, I went for Vietnamese food with DL and AB, then we went to the Radio Concert Hall for a classical concert. This time it was the Danish violinist Nicolaj Znaider, accompanied by Robert Kulek on piano. They played Beethoven Violin Sonata Nr 4 op 23, Schumann Violin Sonata Nr 2 op 121 and Beethoven Violin Sonata Nr 9, op 47. Mr. Znaider is 31 years old, Jewish, and very easy on the eyes :-) DN kept exclaiming how she felt a "genetic affinity" for him which was quite funny. Oh and of course his violin playing was amazing. In fact he played 3 encores (Brahms dances), the last being the famous Hungarian dance. After that, we went to a house party of a friend of AB's, where there were quite a few Canadians.

After not quite enough sleep, this morning I ran the first of the "Nike Test Run"s with Sparta. Today was a 10km race, which I ran in 53:05 which is generally a good time for me. The course was not particularly interesting; we basically made several mini-loops around the stadium. But it was a challenge to keep up the pace and fun to be running with about 2500 other people.

Today's danish was OK, a bit flaky.

This afternoon I will go to hear an Israeli speak; he fought in the Lebanon war this past summer. Then tonight I fly to Cambridge UK for work. Hopefully more pictures will follow from that trip.

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