Sunday, November 19, 2006


So, I have determined that packing a winter wardrobe and various odds and ends that make up my life into 3 suitcases is no easy feat. I have a feeling that the snow-friendly winter outwear that I own may not stand up to the heavy rains of Denmark. It doesn't help that I hate packing, and frankly am quite tired of it, after having moved roughly 5 times in the past 6 years (Cambridge, Winter Hill briefly, Arlington, Maynard, Somerville). You'd think this would make my belongings rather streamlined, but instead I keep carting around the same knick-knacks that I have owned since childhood (when will I really use that old brown Mundi wallet that is ergonomically incorrect?).

Yesterday I had a nice send-off at work. I'm really going to miss my "surrogate family", friends, and social life that work provides.

The reality still hasn't quite hit and I'm not sure when that will happen - probably once I buckle myself into my seat on the airplane, take off my shoes, look out the window and put on my Danish language course on my iPod. Taking off on an airplane always makes me wistful, emotional, thankful, hopeful and sad all at the same time.

OK, back to the mess...


Carolyn and Lawrence said...

Welcome to Copenhagen! Enjoy the Danish (pastries), relax at the spa, and have just a great time.

Burton said...

I hope you had a great flight!

Carolyn and Lawrence said...

Happy Birthday, Rebecca and many happy returns!!!! Enjoy your first Copenhagen birthday!
Love Mom and Dad